Health and Wellness

It is God’s desire that each of us may have an abundant life (John 10:10), and that means abundance of physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing. These areas of our lives are all interconnected and cannot be neglected if we want to experience whole person health. Our God has lovingly given us divine principles to follow in order to achieve optimal health, and we are called to receive the many benefits of living by these principles. We believe our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and we must care for it intelligently so we can fully experience God’s presence and discern His will in our lives.

By adopting the most healthful lifestyle with adequate exercise, rest, and a healthy diet, by abstaining from things that harm our mind and body, by nurturing healthy interpersonal relationships, by maintaining a positive outlook and hopeful attitude, and by seeking to know God deeply and trusting in His leading of our lives, we can begin to experience an abundant life today while also making a positive impact in the lives of those around us.




Cook Book

Part of a healthy life is a healthy diet. To help support your healthy diet we have compiled a cook book of delicious recipes. You can take a look here at these great food options and even download the book for offline use as well.